Selected Press - Sculpture Artist Michael (Mike) Van Dam

stainless chain reaction
sculptures made from stainless steel chain
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Selected Press, 09.Sept 2017 - Swell Sculpture Art Festival 2017, Australia (265.000 visitors)
- Michael Van Dam, 'Artist Peer Award' - 'These Hands' -
link: HERE, 08.Oct 2017 - 15th anniversary Swell Sculpture Art Festival, on of the winners:  - Michael Van Dam, 'Artist Peer Award' - 'These Hands' -
link: HERE

Naanii Global, Arts and Quality Family Lifestyle - digital Magazin 'en Vogue', 31.Oct. 2017,
Sculpture Artist 'Michael Van Dam' winner Art Exhibition, XI FIP Polo Worldchampionship Sydney 2017
link 1: HERE; link 2: HERE

Herald, 06.07.2016
Frankston Council to spend $60,000 over three years on sculpture program. The pieces include Keizo Ushio’s Oushi Zokei Hexagonal, Deirdre Mair and Harry Stitt’s Mirage and Mike van Dam’s Intervention. Foto: Mike Van Dam with his stainless steel mesh sculpture, titled ‘Intervention’, which reflects on an increase of the humpback whale population
link: HERE

Fraser Coast chronicle, 25.06.2015,
'Intervention' Whale Ahoy, Michael Van Dam
link: HERE

ART people Magazin, 6.3.2016,
Michael Van Dam - Stainless steel sculptures. ART people Gallery, 5.860.510 followers
link: HERE

Gold Coast Bulletin, 10.09.2015,
'Emerging Dragon' Michael Van Dam, Swell Sculpture Festival: 2 Awards for Michael Van Dams Sculpture !
Public Choice award and kids choice award (Swell festival: 250.000 visitors)
link: HERE

The Weekend edition, Gold Coast, 25.08.2016
- Swell Festival 2016 - 'Life is a Masquerade', Mike Van Dam
link: HERE

ART unlimited, ARTpark exhibitions 2015
- 'Five large Links sculpture - Michael Van Dam
link: HERE, 2013
Soldiers Point, NSW, Australia - Realistic Object Sculptures - 'the missing link', Michael Van Dam:
Completed in 2013, the 240 kg sculpture received the Peer Award in the exclusive 2013 Swell Sculpture Festival on the Gold Coast. Mike comments: "The chain in the sculpture represents the links people have with each other and their surroundings. For every action, there is a chain reaction."
link: HERE

Rarity Gallery - Mykonos, Greece:
Australia - Gold Coast:
Disclaimer                  © 2010-2120 Copyright |  Michael (MIKE) VAN DAM | All Rights Reserved

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